Tā Mātou Rautaki: Our strategy
We achieved a major milestone towards becoming a strategy-led organisation when our Board signed off on a new organisation-wide strategy, Tā Mātou Rautaki, in late 2021.
Tā Mātou Rautaki is our plan to achieve our long-term aim of leading agri-based science innovation. It describes who we are, how we deliver our science, what our future-focused research will look like, and how we will know we are succeeding in our mission.
We have identified four areas of focus to create a thriving culture and generate meaningful and enduring impact. They are interlinked, with success in one being tied to another.
They are:
- Science Excellence: strengthening connection with science vitality and science excellence
- Partnerships: Fostering strong collaboration, incuding partnerships
- Mātauranga Māori: Fully embedding te ao Māori within our ways of thinking and working
- Smart Investments: Ensuring that we invest appropriately in a talented workforce, fit-for-purpose infrastructure, resources and processes.
Our full strategy is available for download below.