Anna Edwards
Kaitūhono / Māori Partnerships Specialist
Ko Puketapu te maunga
Ko Waipaoa, ko Te Arai ngā awa
Ko Whakatō te marae
Ko Horouta me Tākitimu ngā waka
Ko Ngāti Maru te hapū
He uri ahau nō Rongowhakaata
Ko Anna Edwards tōku ingoa
I am a member of our Māori partnerships team. My role is to build and maintain relationships with Māori Partners and connect them to research and opportunities to help their businesses, whānau, and hapū on their pathway to intergenerational wellbeing, thriving landscapes and self-determined communities.
- Bachelors, Society and Culture, University of Otago, 2020
- Bachelors with Honours, Society and Culture, University of Otago , 2021