E rere kau ana tēnei manu mai Maungapōhatu
I am a bird that migrated from Maungapōhatu
I whakarite kōhanga pīpi ki Kirikiriroa
and settled my nest in Hamilton
He uri whakaheke tēnei ō Ngāti Kurī ki Uwhiarae, ō Tamakaimoana, ō Ngāti Tāwhaki, ō Ngāti Tiipa hoki, e mihi atu ana.
I am a descendant of Ngāti Kuri, Tamakaimoana, Ngāti Tāwhaki and Ngāti Tiipa.

Ko Oriwa tōku ingoa
My name is Oriwa

My focus area is Social Science and ensuring a better pathway for tangata whenua in Aotearoa.


  • High School Diploma, Science, Rotorua Girls high school, 2017
  • Bachelors, Psychology, University of Waikato , 2021

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