In December last year, the Gene Technology Bill(external link) was introduced to Parliament, with the intention to “establish a new regulatory regime for gene technology and GMOs”.
A prominent issue AgResearch raises in its submission on the Bill is the possibility of "cross-industry effects".
"For example, if pollen from a genetically modified pine tree was found on an organically-grown apple, would current limits set by NZ's organics industry body mean that the apple would fail to meet the industry's standards? Liability issues relating to marketing, trade, or other matters can be addressed in the courts via civil actions."
"However, if the Gene Technology Regulations and relevant industry standards could be suitably aligned before the Bill is passed, then a significant number of claims could be avoided. We believe that prior to the expected date of the Final Reading, work should be resourced and undertaken to achieve alignment across the various production, processing, and exporting systems within agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and so on."