This paper articulates a vision for “a world-class animal biosecurity system for Aotearoa New Zealand, in which all stakeholders are aware of the high value of biosecurity to the health of the national herd/flock and our wildlife, to our ability to access international markets, and to the economy as a whole”. It summarises activities and lessons learned from the Better Border Biosecurity (B3) initiative and the Mycoplasma bovis incursion. 


Every year since the surveys began 12 years ago KPMG surveys have identified the need for Aotearoa New Zealand to have a “world-class biosecurity system” as the top priority for agri-businesses. Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways Green Paper refers to biosecurity as one example for a priority research area the government might proactively invest in.

In the context of livestock, animal biosecurity refers to the measures taken to keep pathogens from infecting populations, herds or groups of animals where they do not yet exist. Animal biosecurity also needs to address the risks from zoonotic diseases, diseases that can spread to humans such as via direct contact or tick bites, and from emerging diseases that might endanger Aotearoa New Zealand’s wildlife. 

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