The Great Kiwi Earthworm Survey is on! You can take part from your farm, backyard, or anywhere you’ve got permission to dig a small hole. Kids, grab a grown-up and a spade, pick a spot and check on the health of your soil.

How to sample and take part

Watch the video above, then download the guide and data sheet further down the page to help you fill in the form.

Dung and compost earthworms
Topsoil earthworms
Deep-burrowing earthworms


Guide - Great Kiwi Earthworm Survey

Download (pdf 2.3 MB)

Data Sheet - Great Kiwi Earthworm Survey

Download (pdf 35 KB)

Privacy Statement

This project aims to capture information on earthworm abundance and species distribution throughout New Zealand. Information you provide through this webpage will be used by researchers to improve our understanding of earthworms.

Any earthworm information you provide will be anonymised or aggregated by AgResearch before being shared with AgResearch’s partners or published.

Personal details you provide will not be shared by may be used by AgReserach to contact you for follow-up or to verify the information you provide.

You may also be contacted about outcomes of the Great Kiwi Earthworm Survey.

Any photographs you upload to this webpage, or otherwise provide to AgResearch for the purposes of the Great Kiwi Earthworm Survey, may be reproduced online by AgResearch or its partners, for research or promotional purposes.

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